Welcome at kci-taxi.at
Phone +43 (0)664 92 13 595
Package Tours
Transfers from Salzburg to Zurich, Praque, Budapest, Milan, … and back. Package tours for business meetings and short time excursions. Without pressure of getting the right flight or train. One -, two or three days. If you have any questions, just contact us!
KCI-taci.at, with head offfice in Salzburg is specialized on: short time excursions, trips, Gourmet tours, wellnes and city travels.
If you dont know how to come fort he airport to your hotel or from your hotel tot he airport, or any other destnations, than we have the solution for you. Airport-, hotel-, private transfers, shuttle bus and shuttle service (f. e. Ski-shuttle) Just contact us for more information.
Last but not least if you have to deliver a urgent package or message, or you dont have time to bring your children to school, but you want them to get there in time, without waiting on the Bus and long walks, we offer you package/messenge delivery, school transfer, business transfer and special drives.
Write us an Email or simply give us a call:
Phone number: +43 (0)664 92 13 595